Updated 22. May 2022

Studying for the CCNA I found it hard to memorize all the port numbers that were a part of the certification. Because of this, I created this simple tool to help me memorize them,


How it works

The serrvice2prefix app is a certification preparation tool to help students memorize what port number is associated with what service.

To submit an answer the student can press the enter key, or press the "Check!" button.

If the answer is correct a new task will be presented and the input field will be cleared. If the answer was incorrect the input field will glow red, and the student can retry. In addition, the correct port number will be presented for a brief time next to the task. A new task will only be presented if a correct answer is provided.

Under the input field is a scoreboard. This will show how many correct answers were given compared to how many answers have been given. It also shows a streak field that will count how many correct answers the student has had in a row.


Overview of services

The following services are quizzed in this app.

HTTP: 80
HTTPS: 443
FTP Data: 20
FTP Control: 21
SSH: 22
Telnet: 23
SMTP: 25
DNS: 53
DHCP Client: 68
DHCP Server: 69
TFTP: 69
POP3: 110
IMAP: 143
SNMP: 161
NTP: 123
Syslog: 514
Radius Authentication: 1812
Radius Accounting: 1813